• Frequently Asked Questions

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    A few commonly asked questions.

    What are the components of NNC’s MBCPM™ Professional Trainings in collaboration with UTSCS?

    What trainings do I need for the Certificate in Applied MBCPM™ Facilitation?

    • The UTSCS PT 3699, UTSCS CTI 3502, and UTSCS CID 3503
    • The three trainings may be completed over a three-year period
    • Once finished, the candidate applies for the certificate

    What trainings do I need to facilitate the trademarked MBCPM™ course?

    • This will depend on your existing training and practice in Mindfulness, prior experience of running groups, and your professional background discipline
    • The Curriculum Training Intensive (CTI 3502) is the mandatory part of the training for delivering the course to your own participants. However, participation in an actual course Practical Training (PT 3699) is highly recommended
    • If you have no prior experience of delivering formal practices and the inquiry that follows them, the online Curriculum Training Intensive (CID 3503) is highly recommended

    I’m in a different time zone and the trainings will be run during my working day. What can I do?

    Our online Saturday trainings accommodate professionals in many time zones.

    • In addition, many of the synchronous learning sessions will be recorded, and we will request permission from participants for those having difficulty attending to view the recordings later, providing proof of having done so
    • They will be removed from the University of Toronto Learning Management System site (Quercus) a couple of weeks after the course is over

    I’ve never done Mindfulness before. Can I train to facilitate MBCPM™ in this training?

    • It is best to do the full certificate and establish your own consistent formal practice from the beginning
    • A year of personal practice would be necessary in most cases before launching your own courses and it is not recommended that you teach this course without having a personal practice
    • You may want to audit another MBCPMTM course
    • NNC does provide ongoing mentorship to all potential facilitators taking the trainings

    Can I just use parts of what I learn to devise my own course design?

    • Yes, but you’d rename your course.  Note that you cannot call it an MBCPMTM course, and you won’t have the research done on the existing course to support claims of efficacy in the course you teach
    • If you wish, you may request permission from NNC to use some of our materials in the course you devise